Need to check on a fleebay user quickly to see if they have poped up on Shame bays radar?

Well, it couldnt be easier.Simply enter the suspicious memebers ID in the box below and we will tell where on the site they reside ( if here at all)



It may be the Ebayer you are searching for can be found in those blocked buyer lists that have been sent to us by our readers, or they may even have made it into our shameless section called Shamebays Hall Of Shame.It may be that they dont feature at all on the site, though that does not mean,of course, that they are bonafide people that you can trust to trade with.It may just mean that they have not been reported here yet, or indeed thay have changed to an alias that has not been reported yet.

Hell, it may even mean they are not a scammer after all, just a decent person occupying a space on fleebay.In the end its ups to you to decide on all of this.We can only present those fleebayers reported to us with supporting evidence to corroborate the story behind their scamming ( or abusive ) ways.In the end it will always come down to personal choice as to whether you want to risk engaging with any of these names found on the site.If so……WE WISH YOU LUCK!






*Disclaimer- Whilst we endeavour to carry out as thorough and detailed a review of all information submitted to us prior to making a valid/accurate assessment of the ligitamicy of each report, we do encourage anyone using this site to carry out their own due dilligence when using Ebay and entering into a business transaction with any ebay user.Ultimately this is your choice and we cannot be held responsible for any information that is subsequently found to be inaccurate or false.Use of this website is an acceptance of such.