Welcome to Shame bay, the No 1 place to name and shame those Ebay scammers for the world to see !



Been scammed by an ebay buyer or seller?

Had a horrendous experience on the ebay platform and got no help whatsoever from ebay customer support?

Been scammed of your hard working cash, threatened or intimidated by an ebayer or fallen victim to the dozens of ebay scams around that leave you out of pocket, frustrated, angry and with no place to go for recourse ( because lets face it, ebay wont help you) ?


Well you’ve come to the right place to correct all of that !

Because at Shamebay we will help you expose those ebay scammers, the  charlatans, conmen/women and down right scoundrels who have managed to scam our readers with some of the most heinious scams of all!

All under the very nose of ebay itself who are not just prepared to tolerate this scam cesspit of their own making, but in our  view, actually aide and abet those scammers to profit from both you and I by virtue of their inept policies that are an open invitation to manipulation by the scammers.Of course Ebays compliance with this makes them complicit with the scammers, as failure to adddress these scams or act accordingly when this is brought to their attention, does suggest a conscious coming together with the scammers for one thing only.PROFIT !



Shamebay will give all of those abused ebayers a platform to fight back and name and shame the scammers.This website is for anyone who has been taken for an ebay ride, been scammed, threatened, abused, had money stolen from their accounts under the auspices of such pathetic ebay policies (like  item not received or as described), and many of the other forms of mistreatment that in any other walk of life would consitute a criminal act.






We have a round up of some of the most notorious scamming ebayers in our Hall Of Shame, yes a collection of some of the worst ebay offenders who have been reported to us for their appalling scamming behaviour.If you want to name and shame an ebay scammer just click the above link and complete the details form.We will then review the application, complete our authenticity checks and name & shame the scammer for the world to see! He/she may even end up in our Hall Of Shame for a coveted award of being one of the worst of all ebay scammers!

Ebay ( or fleebay as some to call it ) has one of the worst online reputations for user experience ( and that’s for both buyers & sellers) with a lousy 1 out of 5 stars rating on the ever so reliable Trustpilot review platform ( known for their robust review screening and fairness). This ensures that Trustpilot remains the number 1 review site that most people go to).That tells its own story!


Shame on you Ebay !

Yes, fleebay is in a league of it’s on when it comes to user experience, it’s one-of-a-kind cesspit of an online marketplace makes it an entirely inhospitable place to buy or sell, and with it’s profits dwindling ( you can read about it here ! ) suggests that people are beginning to see sense and avoid it like the proverbial plague.

Have a look around our site to see for yourself just how risky it is to trade or buy on this platform, with common scams that take place daily, the stories from our readers who have been scammed, threatened, abused and bullied without any recourse or support from ebay themselves.Read about those cases that made it into a UK court for a judge to pass judgement on criminal cases from ebay, those who have extorted thousands of pounds from innocent people, all under the noses of ebay themselves.Or what about those charlatans who trading standards will not even take the time to investigate and therefore allow these crooks and scammers to continue to ply their trade and further exploit people.This online marketplace is a perfect playground for all like-minded scammers to meet up and collude with the biggest scammer of all, ebay itself, in the knowledge that they both share a common financial goal.The inept ebay policies, couldn’t-care-less customer service and flawed business strategy all feed into this cesspit to create a perfect environment that breeds corruption, greed and ultimately fraudulent/criminal activities, all under the very nose of ebay who prefer to look the other way.Lets face it, to deal with these scammers ( which are more often than not buyers as oppossed to sellers, but of course scamming sellers exist also) would mean losing buyers, whom ebay hold in such high regard & value over and above their sellers.This would be financial suicide for them and of course they would never consider this course of action.

And so it continues!

So, if ebay will not provide a fairer & safer marketplace for all and of course deal with the lowlife scammers of their own making, then there will always be………..



You can shame the scammers out by reporting them below.For the world to see!

So what are you waiting for ?