If you have an online marketplace with such intrinsic ( and deliberate) features conducive to scamming their users like fleebay does, then it’s inevitable that the pedlars of such a site will come up with some of the most scummiest and,  dare I say it, quite imaginative ways, to scam the innocent user, be them a buyer or seller ( though mostly sellers).

Without further ado, here is Shamebays collection of such scams that are doing the rounds right now.Of course it should be said that this area of fleebay is an ever evolving subject, and as such, new scams will emerge in time to ensure that even the most firm believers of good will be reduced to their knees in despair.So whilst this list is far from exhaustive, it does shed some light on the most common scams circulating the cesspit known as ebay.

These well known ( but sadly still effective to this day ) scams are  in no particular order :

1. Non-delivery scam

An eBay money-back guarantee protects buyers from fraudulent sellers, save for some exclusions. The following is a list of items that are not covered, which means the seller can accept payment, fail to send the item, and then you as the buyer have no recourse through the eBay website. Be cautious when purchasing items from the following list:

  • Businesses for sale
  • Some categories of business equipment
  • Websites for sale
  • Real estate
  • Vehicles
  • Services
  • Items sold by Sotheby’s
  • Classified ads

2. Seller ships with deliberately incorrect name on label

This scam is clever because the deceit occurs offline after the eBay transaction is complete. After completing the sale normally, the seller will post the package with the correct address but the wrong name. This leads you as the buyer to think you’ve received someone else’s parcel by mistake, and you return it or take it back to the post office. The eBay transaction is listed as refused or returned, the seller gets the product back and keeps the payment, too. There is no way to dispute a transaction once it’s finalized in this way.

3. The empty box scam

This is a scam to watch for if you are looking for a highly popular item that is generating a lot of media attention, has a limited release, or is difficult to get elsewhere. You may see a coveted item for sale and quickly purchase it, sometimes paying above market price to secure it. Sadly, in the rush, you may have failed to notice that the listing only specified the box the item came in, not the item itself. You end up owning expensive packaging, without the desired product.

4. Counterfeit goods

The downside of buying online is that there is no way to verify the authenticity of the goods before you buy them. Scammers know this and will sometimes offer high quality, brand-name items for sale at a very attractive price. Unfortunately, the items are affordable because they are counterfeit, or ‘knock-off’ replicas.It does not stop at physical goods however, the scammer can purchase digital goods from a seller and simply report his software as being counterfeit and fleebay will remove the listing and refund the buyer when they initiate the dispute for it being counterfeit ( or any other reason from an almost endless list).

5. Payment outside of eBay

eBay’s security systems can only protect buyers and sellers when transactions occur directly on the website. Illegitimate sellers may offer an item for sale but then request that the payment is sent outside of the platform. For example, they may ask for cash, bank transfer, check, money order or even gift cards. Once the scammer has your money through untraceable means, they will stop communicating with you and will not send the item. eBay will not assist with a transaction that occurred beyond its purview.

6. Fake customer service

Similar to the above scam, a fraudulent seller can place a fake Ebay customer service number on their profile or product page. When a problem with your order occurs—it doesn’t arrive or is the wrong item—the victim calls this number. The scammer pretends to be Ebay customer service and convinces the victim to hand over money or sensitive information. In some cases, the scammer will tell the victim that the former needs access to the latter’s bank account in order to process a refund.

7. Gift card scam

Gift card scammers reach out to victims by phone, email, or social media. They offer some sort of limited-time discount in order to create a sense of urgency. The scammer will ask for the victim’s gift card number to use as payment. Once they have the code, they disappear and make off with your gift card balance.

In another version, scammers ask to confirm payment in advance with a gift card, perhaps in return for faster shipping or a discount.

eBay seller scam examples

It might come as a surprise, but many eBay scams are not targeted at innocent buyers looking for a good deal. Scammers will often pose as buyers and use consumer protection measures to help them defraud honest sellers.

Here are some of the most common ways eBay sellers are scammed.

1. Private deal offered outside of eBay

A buyer may see your item and offer to pay for it privately rather than using eBay’s official payment channels. They may reason that when sales are conducted offsite the seller (you) can avoid paying transaction fees. You close the listing and send the item, but either they don’t pay, or they dispute the transaction with eBay, claiming the item was broken or that the listing was a fake.

2. Overpayment offer

If you have an item for sale, a potential buyer may contact you and offer to pay over the asking price for it. At first, it might seem foolish to pass up a generous offer, but often it’s a trap. The buyer will pay with a fraudulent check. You send the item promptly but days later you find that the check bounces, leaving you with nothing.

3. Changed address

This scam is a new twist on the offer of overpayment. A buyer will offer to purchase your item and send a larger payment than required. They say it’s to cover additional shipping costs, as they suddenly need it sent to a foreign country (often Nigeria, although not always). The scammers will also ask for your PayPal email address. Soon afterward, you’ll be contacted by scammers pretending to be from PayPal, asking for postal tracking numbers. The email will state that the payment will be released to you once you have proven that the goods have been sent. If you’re a trusting person, you may send the item in good faith, assuming the email is authentic. As it’s a scam, you will never see your money or your items again.

4. Empty box claim

In this case, the purchase may be completed without flaw. The buyer pays quickly, and you send the item without concern. The buyer receives the item but claims you sent an empty box – in other words, accuses you of fraud. eBay will demand a return and the buyer sends the empty box back to you, keeping the item and the money as it’s refunded.

5. Buyer claims the item wasn’t received

PayPal Seller Protection exists to help sellers trade confidently on eBay. In order for it to work, sellers must provide proof of item delivery. If the shipped item was sold for under $750, delivery notification is adequate proof. If the item is sold for more than $750 the item must have signature delivery proof. Experienced scammers know this and may take advantage of sellers that are unaware of this additional burden of proof requirement. They can claim the item was not received, claim a refund and make off with the expensive item.

6. Damaged replica scam

A buyer happily purchases your item. Once payment is confirmed you ship it promptly. In this scam, the buyer then accuses you of sending a damaged item. They may even provide photos of the broken item. Unfortunately for you, the item is a replica of the one you sent. The buyer can report the item as damaged to eBay and get a refund, leaving you without your item or the payment.

7. Unwarranted chargeback

A scammer doesn’t have to try very hard to steal your money, as most transaction sites are built to protect the buyer. If you successfully complete a transaction and the buyer pays with a credit card or PayPal, they can easily contact the provider and cancel the transaction. The money will be recovered from you and you will be charged an additional chargeback fee (that’s $20 for PayPal, individual credit card companies vary). The scammer only needs to say they suspect something was wrong and most institutions will chargeback straightaway, regardless of whether they already have the item or what condition it’s in. Disputing the chargeback can take a lot of time and hassle on your behalf.

8. Feedback manipulation/extortion

Because eBay functions as an intermediary between private buyers and sellers, the idea of building an online reputation on the site is pretty important. Each transaction creates the opportunity for both buyers and sellers to leave public feedback about the experience. It’s usually not a good idea to trade with accounts that have bad feedback. Knowing this, some scammers will buy from you and then demand money be sent through private means so that negative feedback won’t be left on your account. This is a type of blackmail. As completed feedback can’t be disputed, it places some people in a position where they feel they must comply or risk the integrity of their account.

How to avoid eBay scams

Well, if by now you are looking for some list of sophistocated strategies to counter the above scams, I am afraid you have missed the whole point of Shame bay.There is no answer to any of these scams when you have the devil of all scammers ( fleebay itself) at the heart of things and pulling all of the strings in such a corrupt marketplace.There is only one winner ( well, actually two if you include the corrupt buyers)…..FLEEBAY !

So, to wrap this up as quickly as possible, simply do this to avoid being scammed by Fleebay and it’s rotten parasitical scammers.


Meantime, if you happen to know of a nasty , scamming , lowlife plying their “trade” on fleebay you can report them below for the world to see! Trust us, the world will be a better place for it.